
At Ortega Tennis, we believe that there is not one method or system that is best for developing players. Instead, as coaches, we learn about individual students and draw from our range of tools to get the best out of each and every student. In addition to drawing on varied techniques and methods to match individual progress, we also deliver bespoke development by setting achievable and unique goals for each individual around a set core curriculum. Each player will have his or her own journey through fun, challenges and targets. We also promote a variety of class structures, such as groups, semi private classes and private classes, and will devise unique programs for each student.

Our aim is to develop students technically, physically, tactically and mentally.


Instead, as coaches, we learn about individual students and draw from our range of tools to get the best out of each and every student.

In addition to drawing on varied techniques and methods to match individual progress, we also deliver bespoke development by setting achievable and unique goals for each individual around a set core curriculum.

Both Sebastien Garcia Ortega and Adam Daley have predominantly worked in academies and schools where a “ team approach ” to coaching is crucial. We discuss and cross reference progress of individuals. We also draw on each other’s opinion and experience to maximise student development. Most importantly, our “team” also includes parents as well as coaches and students. Effective communication with parents is also a key strength.

We provide regular, timely and honest feedback to parents. There is no red tape and parents have unfettered and direct access to coaches. Efficient dialogue also means that training can be quickly adapted to specific needs that may arise. From our experience, good communication cultivates long term relationships, which in turn significantly increases student retention.

In line with our aim to develop long term relationships with parents and students, we provide a pyramid program for our students. Our goal is to build our own elite “professional” team from our foundation students who have grown with us. We do not actively scout existing talent from overseas. Our focus is to create long term pathways for and to attract local Hong Kong talent . This creates a steady and less transient cohort and student base.

Diversity is another key strength. We have a small but high quality team, bringing together a variety of international backgrounds and training styles. Between us, we can draw on techniques and philosophies from Spain, France, Belgium, England and Hong Kong. Our international background is synergetic with our core philosophy that coaching should not be “method” based, but should be adapted to individual player needs.

Our focus on the individual is also a core strength of our programs. Every player is a whole project. Our horizon does not end on the hour, neither is progress measured by groups of children. We are prepared to sacrifice commercial gain for quality training. Class sizes do not depend on maximising revenue. Class sizes depend on level and purpose of the training. Our maximum number of students at the foundation level is 6 per court. Our maximum number of students at competition levels is not more than 4 per court.

Each player will have his or her own journey through fun, challenges and targets.

We also promote a variety of class structures, such as groups, semi private classes and private classes, and will devise unique programs for each student.